第八屆(class of 1967)﹐ pronounced Di-Bajie( DeBeGai in Taiwanese) sounds like 豬八戒, Jhu-Bajie (DiBakGai in Taiwanese- Pigsy of Eight Restraints) whom in many English versions is one of the three helpers of the Monk﹐Xuanzang (玄奘), in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West(629-646 A.D.). Thus our class nickname! (The most exciting pictures albums become bulky, and is moved to end of this page. Please do not miss it !)

Friday, October 7, 2011



洋一在台大急診處等那麽久,難爲他了! 正值美國醫療搞得烏煙瘴氣之際,美國同鄉流傳 “金卡,綠卡,不值臺灣健保卡”。 我們同學會應有機會談這個問題,貢獻臺灣。
上週我在臺灣探望妹婿(高醫牙教授)的媽媽,捨高醫而開25公里去榮總的ICU。I gave a courtesy visit in a hurry and was told that her potassium was sky high from severe watery fluid loss!? It does not make any sense to me unless she has a kidney failure! I was a bit hurt by the busy physician that won't discuss with me why they did not even do a BUN (Blood nitrogen) with a diabetic patient!  Returning to USA, I heard from my sister that they are treating the kidney problem first now not sure from my anxiety or not! 這樣的水平被認爲比高醫好。我非常傷心,咱母校病了!唉!不輕!!
幾年來,豬八戒同窗會,一動一靜,您都是第一位,更常是唯一反應的。讓小弟,不覺得是尷尬的在唱獨角戲,您熱心的關心本班活動,讓小弟感動莫名,您好像比您台大法律系同學謝長廷能幹多了。小弟代豬八戒向您致謝。咿!? 不對!您也是豬八戒啊!

1 comment:

  1. 請問如何聯絡的到劉明心在加州?我是她的姪女!


