第八屆(class of 1967)﹐ pronounced Di-Bajie( DeBeGai in Taiwanese) sounds like 豬八戒, Jhu-Bajie (DiBakGai in Taiwanese- Pigsy of Eight Restraints) whom in many English versions is one of the three helpers of the Monk﹐Xuanzang (玄奘), in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West(629-646 A.D.). Thus our class nickname! (The most exciting pictures albums become bulky, and is moved to end of this page. Please do not miss it !)

Friday, September 17, 2010

2010 高醫八屆回台同學會細節

1. 行程請回看本頁 二月二十五日所示。
__Please review Feb. 25 2010 Itinerary in this page.
2. 請著輕便夏裝加夾克,早上會冷!
__Bring Light clothes with light jackets. It may be cold in the morning.
3. 請帶台灣身份證﹐故宮65歲免費!
__Please bring your Taiwanese ID if you have one. It is free for senior citizens
__( I bet you are!) in National museum. American passport may not work.
4. 第七天下午回金典後解散。遊覽車會帶我們來回參加高醫校友會。可能要自付餐費。
__Let Dr. Tu know that you are not attending the last night
__Kaohsiung University Anniversary Party. He needs accurate numbers to order seats.
5. 小費每人每天美金底線6塊 (他們要10塊﹐涂仔比6﹐不然拉倒! 結果沒有倒。)
__tip from $6 per head per day.

