第八屆(class of 1967)﹐ pronounced Di-Bajie( DeBeGai in Taiwanese) sounds like 豬八戒, Jhu-Bajie (DiBakGai in Taiwanese- Pigsy of Eight Restraints) whom in many English versions is one of the three helpers of the Monk﹐Xuanzang (玄奘), in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West(629-646 A.D.). Thus our class nickname! (The most exciting pictures albums become bulky, and is moved to end of this page. Please do not miss it !)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

來! 黃石宗要大家一起跑!

I hope you can see the pictures my daughter Alice took. And I wish all of you can start do some running.
I believe running is the best cardiovascular exercises and it is fun. Even I have done Judo for almost half century, I prefer running than Judo as we are getting older. I believe everyone can do it, if your are not in good condition you can started with slow, walking and running intermittently. Running can expand our lung capacity, improve cardiovascular status,make you relax and you will be happier. I encourages our classmates to run and run for our life. Alice had never thought she could run until I encouraged her to do it.

(Please open above album 8 for more pictures)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


你說缺少林澤安晚宴來賓照片 剛好我有些拙照 寄給你參考從左至右 紅領帶是黃俊雄(醫9-馬偕醫院董事長前院長) 黑西裝是李義男 (醫 12- 黃石宗妹婿﹐台北名婦產科) 及林義雄 ( 醫7-和林澤安來礁溪溫泉歡迎學弟們讓小弟喝掉他半瓶Blue Jonnie Walker! )附寄的是在班上BLOG上少見的photos 致於珊瑚等作品 不是在故宮拍的 是在 101 公開照的。(above album 7C.)
很高興見到各位同學及夫人 及先生
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

click on pictures to enlarge

Sunday, December 5, 2010


We had a most enjoyable and memorable trip with our classmates. After 50 years, we are still young in heart. And everyone is so friendly, warmly and pleasant with music, songs and laughter. Thanks very much. Please keep in touch.
( You bet!)

