第八屆(class of 1967)﹐ pronounced Di-Bajie( DeBeGai in Taiwanese) sounds like 豬八戒, Jhu-Bajie (DiBakGai in Taiwanese- Pigsy of Eight Restraints) whom in many English versions is one of the three helpers of the Monk﹐Xuanzang (玄奘), in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West(629-646 A.D.). Thus our class nickname! (The most exciting pictures albums become bulky, and is moved to end of this page. Please do not miss it !)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

涂榮祥班頭up to date

涂eh 下週回台灣擺平台灣同胞﹐周洋一怕趕不上隊已經寄美金一千塊來了﹐請等涂eh 再通知以前不必急著寄錢來﹐會被涂eh 吃掉。(3/20/10)
若有同學像周洋一在台北不住凱撒飯店﹐可以扣除房費。旅美班友錢交給涂eh. 若在台灣像廖骨eh 有心參加全程﹐暫先向涂eh表達﹐然後把錢直接交給排骨嫂。(3/12/10)

