第八屆(class of 1967)﹐ pronounced Di-Bajie( DeBeGai in Taiwanese) sounds like 豬八戒, Jhu-Bajie (DiBakGai in Taiwanese- Pigsy of Eight Restraints) whom in many English versions is one of the three helpers of the Monk﹐Xuanzang (玄奘), in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West(629-646 A.D.). Thus our class nickname! (The most exciting pictures albums become bulky, and is moved to end of this page. Please do not miss it !)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sep 5
眾望所歸. 要不要重新考慮? 5/18 24-25 (27日是Memorial Monday), 要不然6/1-8/2013. 或者就隨便你挑. 胡維澤,張慈燕, 和Blue說先問幾位以往較常參加的人, 如果反應好再繼續進行. 一個星期來有六人打電話. 或寫email 給我, “好壞各半”. 你們呢?

Sep 4 

Dear Dr Shei:
Sorry for the late response, we just got back to America.I saw your E-mail & see you worried the detail of the trip. Probably the most important thing to do now is to find out how many classmates can go & set up the firm date.  Because you need at least 30 people to go, otherwise it's not going to be fun for only few classmates will be going.
Besides, if the firm date is still unknown, some classmates may have another tour to go & wondering about your dates.
That will be a loss if Khang-Loon can't go. You talk to him to fit his date. He is a good guide & can make nice online album. 
We have mentioned it before that it's so stressful to organize
a tour. We thank you again for your time, research & effort.
From : Wei-Tzer & Grace Hu
Sep 4
你好像旅行的時間比在家的時間多. 我去年出門三次, 今年春天一次. 這是我們的紀錄. 現在累得都不想出門了.
照你的說法, 我們應該skip Lower Antelope 了. Blue 覺得怎樣?
Sep 3
這次的旅遊我不會參加, 因為二個月前我剛繞一大圈回來。還有,明年四月底我預定去英國, 六月中和家人去 Alaska cruise.( 本月二十號要去西班牙, 回來順便去 DC 參加校友會, 十一月初去印度)
關於 Antelope , 我去 Upper 後, 接著去 Lower. 一般團体旅遊都是去 Upper Antelope, 因為有車接送 ( 從售票處到入口), canyon 內的路平坦易走, 容易控制時間。去 Lower Antelope 的一般是個人行動者。其入口出口都要爬陡峭的梯子, canyon 彎曲窄小, 路又不平, 上上下下如果只顧走路, 就沒有餘情看景色。附上幾張照片供參考。詳細可看早先我寄去的 picasa album. 從出口到停車場還要走一段路。烈日下是不好受的。不想去的只能在售票處的小亭子等, 沒有冷氣, 沒有風景,不過可以看印第安人玩牌。
提醒一下; 因為計劃去的地方是在 Colorado Plateau 上, 要走的 trails路上一般是沒有樹蔭可以納涼的, 停車場上也沒有。最好在早上或傍晚去走 trails.  記得上次回台灣的同學會, 在台東三仙台時, 合照後, 有些同學過橋去繞小島, 大部份同學烈日下的亭子等他們回來。去的固然有趣, 沒去的只好枯等。

Sep 3

Very glad to hear from you. I was a little concerned that the trails may be too easy for you and Khang-Loon. Glad that you don’t seem to mind. For the most part, we will stick to the easy trails. The only trails I am concerned is the one at eastern entrance of Zion, Canyon Overlook Trail. There are some stairs at the beginning. Did you hike that one? It is spectacular. But for people with real bad knee, it may be difficult. But even if they can’t do it, they will still see the same scenery once inside the park. It’s not they are going to miss it completely. And it’s only a short hike of about one mile.The other one is Lower Antelope Canyon. That also involved stair climbing. I have not been there myself. Have you? Khang-Loon probably missed it in his trip as well. I will have to ask Tim about it if we decide to go. That’s the only one I think may give us a headache. The trails in Bryce and Arches are all divided into sections. People can decide how much they want to hike. And they are not going to miss a lot of scenes.You mentioned people can hike at their own pace. That’s a very good point. We will have to make sure we have plenty of time for each destination. One benefit of this is we all will have enough time to ask and tell each other our life stories. People who refuse to talk can bring games to play. One more thing, I am sure there are wheel chairs for rent in those parks. They seem to be everywhere now.
About date, personally I like mid to late May. North Grand Canyon Lodge open on May 14 or 15. Bryce is warm enough by then. And school are not out yet. I think that’s a good time. It can be very hot in some places by June. Khang-Loon, are you going. Blue mentioned he would like you to go. You and Ih Foo are “absolute must”. Both of you have so much to offer.

  September 03, 2012 4:37 AM
I appreciate that you and kang-loong having put in a lot of thought into this trip, I wan to reaffirm that I am going, and am just waiting for the dates so I can put it on my calender.
I just want to make a few comments from my expereince at Zion and Bryce.
Within these two parks there are free shuttles, and I had even encountered visitors being wheelchaired around, furthermore there are more than enough flat and short paved trails (0.5-1 mls at most) to stroll around.
 one of the tough trail in Zion is Angel's Landing (hope I remember correctly), it was steep but paved, en route I had seen quite a few chunky hikers huffing and puffing, but it looked that they all went up to the top and down at their own pace, the trails at Bryce were steep (downward) too, but short, I believe as long as we walk leisurely, not trying rush down and up like the young turks we should be ok, or we can just pace along the rim.
In a nutshell, it is my impression these two parks provide variety of activities for varied interest and stamina, as long as we don't have to glue together as a group in all activities, it should lift the pressure off the ones with physical limitation, self doubt or reservation.

sep.  2
Grand Canyon 可能的話, 希望下午抵達, 晚上停留在那裡, 看日落和日出.
Lake Powell boat tour practical ? Short tour 到一個 canyon (Antelope?)怎樣?
還有希望住在 LA 附近的人可以坐你派的遊覽車去Las Vegas 和外地來的人會和. Las Vegas 要不要安排什麼? 還是自己安排?

Sep 2
Hi Blue:
今天涂榮祥 林正宏打電話來, 連同前幾天楊金川, 阮雅一和張信全一共五個人, 其中兩人說會參加, 兩人傾向不會, 另一個人還無法決定. 先向你報告.
前兩三天和旅行社的陳老板打過招呼, 說我們要先作一個poll, 看有多少人有興趣再繼續進行, 他很了解, 說沒有關係. 我問他有些人對hiking不大放心. 他說我們計劃的trails大多不難走, 就是不想走的話, 也一樣可以看到風景. 這個一併向你報告.

Aug 25

你說的對, North Canyon Lodge 從5-15 開到 10/15. 謝謝.
遊覽車應該可以在中午左右到達Las Vegas. 東部來的如果都要在當天到, 時間可能分散得太開.會不會有些人在機場等得太久了?
如果大家都早一天到, 可以一起吃晚飯, 聊聊. 離開Las Vegas 恐怕就沒有這樣的機會. 時間不會那麼從容, 也沒有大得中國飯店隔開的房間.
Valley of Fire 大慨不可能. 同意.
如果從St. Gorge 去 Grand Canyon 一定要經過Zion, 不能走 59的話, 那就一定要先去Zion了. 但是如果不去Capital Riff, 最後一天就必須從Bryce 直接回Las Vegas. 你覺得怎樣?

 a.  從 Bryce 回到 Las Vegas 的途中就有充分的時   間去 Valley of Fire. 
b.  因為有一整天的時間, 也可考慮去 Capitol Reef. 不過從 Bryce 到 Capitol Reef
     的這一段路 ( route 12 ) 沒有什麼風景可看。
c.  其實要去 Capitol Reef 最好的路線是從 Arches NP ( Moab ) ---- highway 70 ---  route 24--- Capitol Reef.   Route 24 的景色很好。
 有一個方法是第一天從St. George 往上走 Hwy 20 去Bryce, 這應該是旅行社計劃從Bryce 回Las Vegas 的路. 讓後逆向
走, 先去Arches, 最後一天從Grand Canyon 去Zion , 再回Las Vegas. 你覺得怎樣?
從 Las Vegas 到 Bryce 約 267 miles, 5 hours. 加上途中休息和更換時間, 則要 7 hours.
如果中午從 Las Vegas 出發, 到達 Bryce 時, 已經 7 點了。Check in hotel plus dinner 後已是
八點多, 要睡覺啦 !!! 沒有多少時間去走 trails.  翌日看日出又要走 trail 就太辛苦了。

Grand Canyon 早餐6:30 開始. 可以預先order lunch boxes to go. 這是剛剛查到的. 你沒提起, 我也沒想到去查.
Upper Antelope 10 或 10:30 可以進去, 這是上回旅行社的Tim 講的. Lake Powell 1:PM 有5小時的船. 我會請他在查清楚.
Grand Canyon Dam Tim 沒說要先預定., 我會和他說.
我們早上去時, 早上的 tours 都滿了, 所以訂下午三點半的。但是三點半那個 tour
因為風太強, 又被取消。只好隔天再去。 

Aug 25

對於這次班上旅遊, 你真的把功課做得很好, 資料收集得很完整。
如果當年在高醫時有這麼用功, 一定是第一名畢業。不過在我們這般年紀還能如此心思精密, 追根到底, 全盤考量, 算是異數。
1.  Grand Canyon North Rim and its Lodge open  from mid- May to mid-October.
     如果要在五月下旬去, 還得避開 Memorial Day week.
2.  從東部去的同學大概在中午左右抵達 LV. 從 LA 來的遊覽車幾時到 LV ?     午餐如何安排?  From LV to St. George is two hours.    
3.   從 LV 經由 St Goerge 直接到 North Rim 約 5 個小時。大概沒有時間去
      Valley of Fire.
4.   There are two routes from St. George to North Rim :
       a).  St. George---route 59--- 385---89---67--- North Rim.
                這是比較小的鄉下路, 不知大型遊覽車可以行走?
       b).  St. George---highway 9---Springdale---Zion NP--Kanab---89---67--North Rim.      
                這路線 ( highway 9 ) 從西到東穿過 Zion NP ,  Zion NP 的主要景色都是
                在這條公路上, ( 除了 hiking trails ). 走這條路線大概比較費時。
5.   因為都是走 9 號公路, 所以從東入或西入 Zion NP 看的景色都是一樣。不過我
      覺得 "西出" Zion NP, 從 Springdale to Highway 15 這一段的景色是不錯的。
6.   六月去旅行, 日落一般在八點以後, 日出在六點以前。
7.   早上七點從 North Rim 出發?  North Rim 只有一間餐廳, 不知幾點開始供應早點?
      因為遊客多, 服務比較慢, 不過有 Buffet. 從 North Rim to Page 一路下去, 除了在
      Jacob Lake 有旅舍 ( ?餐廳 )和幾間小店外, 是荒野一片。
8.  據我所知, Rainbow Bridge Boat Tour on Lake Powell ( 5 and a half hours ) 只有早上七點一班。
     其他的 Boat Tour 都是 2 to 3 hours. 我們是住在 Lake Powell Resort and Marinas. 從其
     Marina 坐船出發。如要參加三十分鐘的 Glen Canyon Dam Tour, 最好先預定。
9.  關於 Upper & Lower Antelope Canyon, 我是同一天中午左右去看的, 因為是日正當中
     峽谷內日照明亮, 而且有 light beams. 因為只有在 high noon  時才有 light beam, 所以
     十一點那一班的票價比其他時刻貴。而且中午時份還有特別的 " photograph tour ",
     遊客更多, 拍照更困難。至於其他時間, 因日照偏斜, 峽谷內的光線不知如何? 以上是
     指 Upper Antelope. 至於 Lower Antelope, 其日照因素和 Upper 相同, 只是遊客較少,
     峽谷較窄難走。從其出口到停車場一段, 在烈日下還得忍耐奮走一下。
     *** The best time to see and photograph Upper Antelope Canyon is in summer month
            ( June, July, August ), from 11 to 1 o'clock. Time is not that critical for the Lower
8.  我想留多一點時間在 Arches NP, 省掉 Capitol Reef, 從容走州道70, 直接前往 Bryce,
     早點到, 休息, 保持体力, 去走 Queens Garden trail.   清晨看日出的氣溫還相當低。
9.   最好能坐大型的遊覽車, 冷氣強, 視野良好, 因為路程遠, 外面氣溫高, 沿途景色和一些
      國家公園都是在車內欣賞。二十幾人坐的 mini bus 恐難勝任。要求車上備有冰冷水瓶,
10.  多帶一些 Camera 的 memory card & battery . 因為沿途處處是景, 會濫照。最好不要
11.   有時間請看我寄去的 picasa album, 內有一些細節可供參考。


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